Volume 18, no. 2 (2022)



  • Punching through the Line: Reading the Book of Esther with Hannah Gadsby’s “Nanette” – Stephanie Day Powell
  • Job as a work of Laughtears and Learning: Comedy, Pain and Audience Empathy – Katherine E. Southwood and James W. Southwood
  • Feeling Womb-ey: The Presence and Significance of Emotion in Proverbs 31:1-9 – Amy J. Chase
  • New Testament Studies as Kyriarchal Discipline: Making the World Safe for White, Male, Capitalist, Imperialist, Christian Supremacy – Steven J. Friesen

Books and culture

  • The Biblical, Reinvented: Goliath, Babel, and Biblical Scholarship in a Sci-fi Future – Jimmy Hoke 

Book reviews

  • Erich S. Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World – Did it Matter? Shawn Kelley
  • David G. Horrell, Ethnicity and Inclusion: Religion, Race, and Whiteness in Constructions of Jewish and Christian IdentitiesM. Adryael Tong
  • Maia Kotrosits, The Lives of Objects: Material Culture, Experience, and the Real in the History of Early Christianity Jay Twomey
  • Johnson Thomaskutty, ed., An Asian Introduction to the New Testament Jin Young Choi
  • Cavan W. Concannon, Profaning PaulArminta Fox
  • Luis Menéndez-Antuña, Thinking Sex with the Great Whore: Deviant Sexualities and Empire in the Book of Revelation Hilary McKane