The Critical Matter of Interpretation, with a Sideways Glance at Huldah and Josiah
Judith E. McKinlay
This article is based on a paper given by Judith McKinlay at the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Biblical Studies (ANZABS) annual conference, held at the University of Otago in December 2017. Judith indicated to us that this would be her final conference presentation, so we were delighted to publish it in the Bible and Critical Theory. We have also invited several scholars who have either worked with Judith, or engaged with her work, to reflect on this article in light of “where they are now” in terms of context, scholarship, and the critical matter of interpretation.
Sadly, Judith passed away earlier this year. Most of the responses to her article included in this issue were written prior to her death, but together, they form a fitting memorial to her remarkable scholarship as well as her collegiality and friendship.
Aroha nui.