Vol. 17, No. 1 (2021): White Folx at the Borders: Trauma-Informed Preparations for Intercultural Biblical Encounters – Karri L. Whipple

White Folx at the Borders: Trauma-Informed Preparations for Intercultural Biblical Encounters – Karri L. Whipple


Brian Blount’s 2019 Society of Biblical Literature Presidential Address calls for the full integration of interpretational practices that promote intercultural dialogue and a multiplicity of textual meanings. This article explores the place of white folx in such intercultural interpretational practices. Using the lens of postcolonial and queer trauma theories, the following examines some of the cautions and considerations needed for white folx engaging in intercultural border encounters. It explores how trauma-informed preparations raise awareness about white privilege, violence, and positionalities, while addressing the tendency of white folx to co-opt and overidentify with traditionally marginalized interpretations.  The work of fostering just intercultural encounters requires not only a shift in interpretational methodologies, but transformation of institutional practices and within the broader academy.

Key Words

White supremacy, Trauma theory, Queer interpretation, Witnessing, 1 Peter

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