Vol 9, No 1-2 (2013) Bible and Critical Theory, Reloaded





  • Review of Paul de Man, The Post-Romantic Predicament. Ed. Martin McQuillan. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012. — George Aichele
  • Review of Pheme Perkins, Reading the New Testament: An Introduction. 3rd ed. New York: Paulist Press, 2012. — Nathan Barnes
  • Review of Alison Jack, The Bible and Literature. London: SCM Press, 2012. — Caroline Blyth
  • Review of Ronald L. Troxel, Prophetic Literature: From Oracles to Books. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. — Caroline Blyth
  • Review of Philippe Guillaume, Land, Credit and Crisis: Agrarian Finance in the Hebrew Bible. BibleWorld. Shef-field: Equinox Publishing, 2012. — Roland Boer
  • Review of Philippe Guillaume, Land, Credit and Crisis: Agrarian Finance in the Hebrew Bible. BibleWorld. Shef-field: Equinox Publishing, 2012. — Mark Brett
  • Review of David M. Halperin & Valerie Traub, eds., Gay Shame. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2009. — Philip Culbertson
  • Review of Dennis J. Horton, Death and Resurrection: The Shape and Function of a Literary Motif in the Book of Acts. Cambridge: James Clarke and Co., 2009. — Scott S. Elliott
  • Review of James G. Crossley, Jesus in an Age of Neo-liberalism. BibleWorld; Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, 2012. — Hans Leander
  • Review of Christina Petterson, Acts of Empire: The Acts of the Apostles and Imperial Ideology. Sino-Christian Studies Supplement Series 4. Chung Li: Chung Yuan Christian University, 2012. — Robert J. Myles
  • Review of Hector Avalos, Slavery, Abolitionism, and the Ethics of Biblical Scholarship. The Bible in the Modern World 38. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2011. — Robert Seesengood
  • Review of Stanislas Breton, A Radical Philosophy of Saint Paul. Trans. J. N. Ballan; introduction by W. Blanton; Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture; New York: Columbia University Press, 2011 — Robert Seesengood
  • Review of James E. Harding, The Love of David and Jonathan: Ideology, Text, Reception. Sheffield: Equinox, 2013. — Susan Ackerman
  • Review of Marianne Bielland Kartzow, Destablizing the Margins: An Intersectional Approach to Early Christian Memory. Pickwick: Eugene, 2012. — Nathan Barnes
  • Review of Mark Boda, Carol J. Dempsey, and LeAnn Snow Flesher (eds), Daughter Zion: Her Portrait, Her Response. Atlanta: SBL, 2012. — Miriam Bier
  • Review of Roland Boer, Criticism of Heaven: Marxism and Theology. Historical Materialism Book Series, 18. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2007; Criticism of Religion: On Marxism and Theology, II. Historical Materialism Book Series, 22. Leiden and Boston: Brill, — Deane Galbraith
  • Review of Roland Boer, Nick Cave: A Study of Love, Death and Apocalypse. Sheffield: Equinox, 2012. — Yael Klangwisan
  • Review of Hélène Cixous, (eds) Marta Segarra and Joana Masó, Poetry in Painting: Writings on Contemporary Arts and Aesthetics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012. — Francis Landy
  • Review of Julia Kristeva, The Severed Head: Capital Visions. Columbia University Press: New York, 2012. — Christopher Meredith
  • Review of Adam Stewart, ed. Handbook of Pentecostal Christianity. DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press, 2012. — Stephen Waldron
  • Review of Anthony C. Swindell, Reworking the Bible: The Literary Reception of Fourteen Biblical Stories. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2010. — Richard Walsh